Sunday, February 11, 2018


Hello Reader,

Look out for the spider who cames to you house, because this one lick the environment that humans provides. But is a dangerous one to have at home and you probably will not want this spider. The Redback (Latrodectus hasselti).

The redback can be found in a large range in Australia. More common see one passing by in the summer.

Normali is the female you will notice sins she is bigger than the male and have the red marc in the abdomen more distacade than the male. Not all redbacks will have the color red, they can be on the color orange. Onli the female produce web, and the male can be found in the border of the web, training to get some leftovers.

The redback spider have one of the most dangerous venoms to humans, the pain can last for weeks if don’t kill in the middle. But luckily they have small fangs, with macke difficult to give a proper bite in something bigger than them. Normali they will beat their prey in a more soft spot, and to do that sometimes just let the victim struggle wen hitch in the web until lost the strength. They have a control in the amount of venom used in the bite, making them capable of give a dry bite.

Dispait har shorts fangs they still can get some larges food like small mauses, lizards and rarely snakes if them get stuck in her web.

The web look like a mess, but even been a irregular tangle have a strategically position that gives to the spider a good range to capture food. 

Kingdom> Animalia
 Phylum> Arthropoda
  Class> Arachnida
   Order> Araneae
    Family> Theridiidae
     Genus> Latrodectus
      Species> L. hasselti

~Catch you later


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