Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Phocoena dioptrica

Hello Reader,

Looking in a list of marine animals from Australia, I found the Spectacled porpoise.

This creature is found in a good part of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current , and there was a register in south Australia of them.

Infortunately, little is know about this specie of Porpoise, because they run from boats. The majority of registers about the species is from cativets ones. In fact the firth report of this species came from a dead body founded in the shore, in 1912.

What can make you wander, how many exist from this creature? No one know. Exist to little data about them to estimate a population.

They have a easy way to distinguish the male from female by the dorsal fin, the male have it in a biggest size. 

Don’t let their faces trick you. They are related with whales and dolphins, but they are porpoises. Even been close related with dolphins and having small size they are described like been little whales with spade-shaped teeth (dolphins have a conical teeth).

Phylum> Chordata
 Class> Mammalia
  Order> Artiodactyla
   Infraorder> Cetacea
    Family> Phocoenidae
     Genus> Phocoena
      Species> P. dioptrica

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