Monday, February 12, 2018

Australian garden orb weaver spider

Hello Reader,

You can look around the world and you will find one of these big famili. This is one you can see every day. Let’s talk about a old friend of everybody, the garden orb weaver spider.

She construct her web in the middle of branches and trees, spots with a open space that insects likely fly. If they got a lot of food they don’t risk training to caught a large prey and is common to release them from the weeb to avoid an unnecessary confrontation and big lost of web.

Web is a recurso that cost a lot for a spider, so much that they normally eat the web when they switch the places of hunt. And some species can even create a 2 meters web.

This is a spider who don’t live long lives. They hach between autumn and winter, getin the maturity in summer, between summer and autumn they lay the eggs and the female normally die in the end of autumn beginning of winter.

During the time of reproduction the male have a chance to escape after the copulation, but in the second female is almost certain he will become diner. Was seen that males who jump off the copulation early have less success in the relative paternity, surviving for another chance. But the males who jump early are related wit the female (siblings) and doing this increase the chance that the second female will be a non-kin, making the copulation longer, guaranteeing their paternity, but also losing their lives.

The Female is 9 times larger than the male. Been small increase their chance of don’t be eating in the firsts steps in the web, since a small size can indicate low nutritional value and can help in don’t be seen until he gets in the right spot to begun the serenade vibrating the web.

They came in several colors and a variation in size. All have a venom, but nothing to threaten to humans, even so you can have pain and other symptoms during 3 hours, but this depends on person to person . People who are more sensitive to bits need to search for medicine help. The biggest threat it is you are walking in the night and stomb in one of their webs, if you have more than 50 years you can have a heart attack when see the spider walkin in your face.

The garden orb weaver spider is normally nocturne, and will hide during the day to avoid predators, but if is in a while without getting food she will risk stay in the web during the day. Some spider will eat the web before go hide, other have a hiding spot near the web so they just leave the web during day and retur during night. 

Kingdom> Animalia
 Phylum> Arthropoda
  Class> Arachnida
   Order> Araneae
    Suborder> Araneomorphae
     Superfamily> Araneoidea
      Family> Araneidae
       Genus> Eriophora

~Catch you later


Welke KW, Schneider JM. Males of the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichisacrifice themselves to unrelated females. Biology Letters. 2010;6(5):585-588. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2010.0214.

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