Monday, February 5, 2018


Hello Reader,

Today will see a common animal from Australia, the Possum.

This marsupial is easy to see and harmless… wel, almost harmless. I heard the relate of these two people who was walking at night and from no wer end no reason a possum just jump and grab the lag of one, who of course scream and shook until the animal run away. But normally they have a calm nature and probably only will attack you if they fell cornered.

Possum are cute animals, don’t mistake them whit opossum, even thow both play death the opossum live in the americas and have a hairless tail, while the possum live in Australia and have a furry tail. The offspring from the opossum is many, when the offspring os the possum is just one. Both have a nocturnal life.

This is an animal that you definitely will see in Australia, because the common brushtail possum live quite well in the city and far spread in Australia, but have a control population duet the vast list of predators. In New Zealand, where they are an introduction species and don’t have natural predators, they become a plague.

Even they diet is based in leafs and fruits, they tried to eat practically a little of everything, but the principal dish is leafs. Of course they don’t refuse a free meal.

Kingdom> Animalia
 Phylum> Chordata
  Class> Mammalia
   Infraclass> Marsupialia
    Order> Diprotodontia
      Family> Phalangeridae
       Genus> Trichosurus 
         Species> T. vulpecula

~Catch you later


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