Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Hello reader,

Is not the Buzz Lidire, but buzzes in the wey came the Bees.

The Europhean bees was bring to Australia in 1822. No harm in a one sting of 0.1 mg whit venom, however if it be 500 you will die. Be cool, nothing of short was ever registered. Unless you make part of the 3 percent of the population who are allergic to a sting bee, then just one sting can kill you depending in how you are allergic.

We only think in bees been yellow and black normally, the honey bees, but there is other colors and types. Other type of bee are encountered in Australia, the carpenter bee.

The Metallic green carpenter bee (Xylocopa aeratus) and the Peacock carpenter bee (Xylocopa bombylans) are solitary bees, what means they don’t live in colonies, instead they live alone. The name carpenter came from the fact that they normally build a nest in soft wood.

The carpenter bees are more inoffensive than the Europhean bees, even having a sting they are not aggressive, but have a size of 28mm compared to the normal honey bees who have a 17 mm size can be more scary. What can give you a fright to see such a huge bee, this in case you are lucky in see one of those, they are not a common insect to see.

Carpenter bees live normally in holes they build in wood. They produce honey, but is different from the one we are used to, seens it have the consistency of a peanut butter. They use this honey to mix with pollen and create the food to leave with the eggs, who are sealed with it to bee safe and when it hatch already have a first meal. The female guard the entrance of the nest until the eggs hatch.

The males don’t have a sting and normally, between carpenter bees, they have large eyes. In the gender Xylocopa bombylans males are characterized by having white face marks.

Kindom> Animalia
 Class> Insecta
  Order> Hymenoptera
   Family> Apidae
    Genus> Apis